Diagrams are pre-articulations of thought in motion. they foreground the work's elastic points, it's tendencies. Like biograms, which express the virtual node through which a body becomes, they are nodal points around which the future of thought's exfoliation circulates. They make the elasticity of the almost felt, exfoliating the work's potential across its shifting surface. Diagrams move thought, inviting the conceptual escape of "the action of invisible forces of the body" (Deleuze 2003, p36) Diagrams rhythmically call forth the relation thought-expression.
Diagrams give value to thought in the making. Valuation orients thought, proposing it as a concept for future thinking. It is integral to the process of actual occasion taking form, but is felt as such only in the event's final satisfaction. p.217 & 218
Manning, Erin & Horrigan, Bill 2009, 'Relationscapes: Movement, Art, Philosophy', MIT Press Ltd