..what interests me is particularly as she speaks about the intimacy of Odin Theatre and how
the limited audience of 60 allows for an immersive, intimate experience where the audience
becomes part of the performance in a way that within a large audience wouldn't be possible.
This is also what I was interested in with my photographic work Chorus, I used large scale
to try and create a world that the viewer could become a part of.
The other interest I have initially in Roverta Carreri is the passion and warmth that infuses
her words. It is this kind of warmth and passion that attracted me to become an Artist. I
realize that it is of another time, the current art scene doesn't seem to allow for poetry. I
understand that I got caught up in a revival of narrative art that took place in the 1980's
and carried over to my early beginnings. But with the advent of technology developing
another art was called for and I didn't quite fit in. I cling to the romanticism of the 90's, in
my heart I am analogue not digital.
This conflict could work for me in this dissertation however. The striking difference to my
initial interest in dance and drawing and today is this: the digital revolution took place.
Everything I learnt and essays I wrote at university; essays rooted in the Art of Rauschenberg, Surrealism and Fluxus; everything now appears of another time altogether, is it devoid of
value because of this? Of course it depends on my aims. But can that old information, the
arts now in history and ready for the museum, can I still learn from it and take that what I
find with me into the present and possibly future?
I am hoping that William Forsythe will be one of my linking agents. But even this is going
to be problematic, he alone might not be enough. Although what I do appreciate about
William Forsythe is that while the movements of his dancers are so informed by geometry,
his choreographies are narrative, employ narrative elements. This is of huge help to me as I
search to formulate a new practice that is allowed to remain narrative while developing more
in a formal sense.