Introduction / Gyorgy Kepes -- Motion images --Science and the deallegorization of motion / Gerald Holton --Art and evolution / James S. Ackerman --The role of motion in our visual habits and artistic creation / Gillo Dorfles --Visual perception of motion / Hans Wallach --Constancy and invariance in perception / James M. Gibson --Orientation, direction, cheirality, velocity and rhythm / Stanley W. Hayter --The morphology of movement : a study of kinetic art / George Rickey --Recent kinetic art / Katharine Kuh --Structure and movement / Karl Gerstner --My experience with movement in painting and in film / Hans Richter --Seven faces of time : an aesthetic for cinema / Robert Gessner --Structure and continuity in exhibition design / Gordon B. Washburn --Motion, sequence and the city / Donald Appleyard.
isbn: 0807602892 9780807602898

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If you leave a comment it may take a while for me to find it. I don't check this old research gathering blog very often these days. it is 2021 - about 10 years since I last added to this collection. But I hope that you find some of the material I gathered for my dissertation helpful.