[3D Alignment Forms. Animation of dancer's traceforms in One Flat Thing, reproduced mapped to 3D space. Synchronous Objects Project, The Ohio State University and The Forsythe Company.] Goethe-Institut New York presents Objects in Performance:
As the object has become a central issue in both theory and the arts, the Goethe-Institut New York dedicates a weekend to intensive theoretical exchange and spatial experience to the object in performance. An installation, a symposium and a performance are the starting point of long-term engagement with the object and related matters in the fields of theory and the arts alike. ..... (follow link above to read more)

Richard Hamilton, Typo/Topography of Marcel Duchamp's Large Glass, 2003
Robert Rauschenberg, Autobiography, 1968 Offset lithograph, 504.8 cm x 123.81 cm
Ad Parnassum, Paul Klee
kinetograph / source: http://humanuxdesign.com/
very nice post to take a read through. May print it off even.
source: http://www.arts-humanities.net/image/fig_3_still_image_biped_merce_cunningham_collaboration_riverbed
Robert Wilson
source: http://oxcars09.whois--x.net/en/programa/
Merce Cunningham and John Cage performance
source: http://openendedgroup.com/images/kinesphere.jpg
source: http://performimprov.wordpress.com/tag/forsythe/
the past 2 images above are from this source: http://www.bluesci.org/?p=4315
source: http://www.soundstreams.ca/images/photos/John%20Cage%20-%20Fontana%20Mix.jpg
scanned from book: Point and Line to Plane.
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